CityView is the City of Baltimore’s mapping portal that provides information on a series of topics of interest for its citizens, visitors, researchers, and business community. This site will be updated with refreshed data and new layers on a frequent basis and feedback from its users will be an important source for making the application more useful to all.
The following are some of the important features of the application
- It is possible to add more than one layer on the map and this helps to do comparative spatial analysis
- There are two options for the users in order to add layers on the map- A) They can directly type what they are looking and then the program will automatically filters those related layers- for example, if the name of the layer starts with "B" then all layers that starts with letter "B" will be filtered out as the user starts typing, this makes the selection of the required layer easy to be selected. Users still have the option to go through alpabetical list of layer names to choose. B) The other, users can select layers organized by thematic areas, for example users can select or type thematic area names and the program will automatically filters those layers under the chosen thematic area and lists them under the new drop down box generated dynamically.
- Geocoding and reverse geocoding of addresses
- There are different widgets included in the app to provide enhanced functionalities/features to the users, for more discription about each widgets please refer to the help menu (located at the top right corner of the app)